ADA Programming Guide
ADA Programming Guide.iso
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-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . T A S K _ P R I M I T I V E S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.22 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1991,1992,1993,1994, FSU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the --
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be use- --
-- ful, but but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- eral Library Public License for more details. You should have received --
-- a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with GNARL; see --
-- file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 --
-- Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with System.Task_Clock;
-- Used for, Stimespec,
-- Stimespec_Seconds,
-- Stimespec_NSeconds
with Interfaces.C.POSIX_timers;
-- Used for, timespec,
-- Nanoseconds
with Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error;
-- Used for, Return_Code,
-- Failure,
-- Get_Error_Code,
-- Interrupted_Operation,
-- Resource_Temporarily_Unavailable,
-- Priority_Ceiling_Violation
with Interfaces.C.POSIX_RTE;
-- Used for, Signal,
-- Signal_Set,
-- Signal_Add,
-- Signal_Add_All,
-- Signal_Delete,
-- Signal_Delete_All,
-- sigprocmask,
-- siginfo_ptr,
-- struct_sigaction,
-- sigaction,
-- Is_Member,
-- and various CONSTANTS
with Interfaces.C.Pthreads; use Interfaces.C.Pthreads;
with Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Unchecked_Conversion;
package body System.Task_Primitives is
package RTE renames POSIX_RTE;
Failure : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code
renames Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Failure;
Test_And_Set_Mutex : Lock;
-- Use a mutex to simulate test-and-set. This is ridiculously inefficient;
-- it is just here so that I can fix the syntax errors without having to
-- worry about how to get machine code into the system in the absense
-- of machine code inserts.
Abort_Signal : constant RTE.Signal := RTE.SIGUSR1;
function "=" (L, R : System.Address) return Boolean
renames System."=";
ATCB_Key : pthread_key_t;
Abort_Handler : Abort_Handler_Pointer;
LL_Signals : RTE.Signal_Set;
Task_Signal_Mask : RTE.Signal_Set;
Reserved_Signals : RTE.Signal_Set;
Assertions_Checked : constant Boolean := True;
procedure Put_Character (C : Integer);
pragma Import (C, Put_Character, "putchar");
procedure Prog_Exit (Status : Integer);
pragma Import (C, Prog_Exit, "exit");
function Pointer_to_Address is new
Unchecked_Conversion (TCB_Ptr, System.Address);
function Address_to_Pointer is new
Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, TCB_Ptr);
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Abort_Wrapper
(signo : Integer;
info : RTE.siginfo_ptr;
context : System.Address);
-- This is a signal handler procedure which calls the user-specified
-- abort handler procedure.
procedure Assert (B : Boolean; M : String);
pragma Inline (Assert);
-- Output string M if B is True and Assertions_Checked
function Get_Stack_Limit return System.Address;
pragma Inline (Get_Stack_Limit);
-- Obtains stack limit from TCB
procedure LL_Wrapper (T : TCB_Ptr);
-- A wrapper procedure that is called from a new low-level task.
-- It performs initializations for the new task and calls the
-- user-specified startup procedure.
procedure Write_Character (C : Character);
procedure Write_EOL;
procedure Write_String (S : String);
-- Debugging procedures used for assertion output
-- Write_Character --
procedure Write_Character (C : Character) is
Put_Character (Character'Pos (C));
end Write_Character;
-- Write_Eol --
procedure Write_EOL is
Write_Character (Ascii.LF);
end Write_EOL;
-- Write_String --
procedure Write_String (S : String) is
for J in S'Range loop
Write_Character (S (J));
end loop;
end Write_String;
-- LL_Assert --
procedure LL_Assert (B : Boolean; M : String) is
if not B then
Write_String ("Failed assertion: ");
Write_String (M);
Write_String (".");
Prog_Exit (1);
end if;
end LL_Assert;
-- Assert --
procedure Assert (B : Boolean; M : String) is
if Assertions_Checked then
LL_Assert (B, M);
end if;
end Assert;
-- Initialize_LL_Tasks --
procedure Initialize_LL_Tasks (T : TCB_Ptr) is
Old_Set : RTE.Signal_Set;
Mask : RTE.Signal_Set;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
-- WARNING : SIGALRM should not be in the following mask. SIGALRM should
-- be a normal user signal under 1, and should be enabled
-- by the client. However, the current RTS built on 1
-- uses nanosleep () and pthread_cond_wait (), which fail if all
-- threads have SIGALRM masked. ???
RTE.Signal_Delete_All (LL_Signals);
RTE.Signal_Add (LL_Signals, Abort_Signal);
RTE.Signal_Add (LL_Signals, RTE.SIGALRM);
RTE.Signal_Add (LL_Signals, RTE.SIGILL);
RTE.Signal_Add (LL_Signals, RTE.SIGABRT);
RTE.Signal_Add (LL_Signals, RTE.SIGFPE);
RTE.Signal_Add (LL_Signals, RTE.SIGSEGV);
-- SunOS related Sysnchronous signals.
RTE.Signal_Delete (LL_Signals, RTE.SIGTRAP);
RTE.Signal_Delete (LL_Signals, RTE.SIGEMT);
RTE.Signal_Delete (LL_Signals, RTE.SIGBUS);
RTE.Signal_Add_All (Task_Signal_Mask);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Task_Signal_Mask, Abort_Signal);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Task_Signal_Mask, RTE.SIGALRM);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Task_Signal_Mask, RTE.SIGILL);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Task_Signal_Mask, RTE.SIGABRT);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Task_Signal_Mask, RTE.SIGFPE);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Task_Signal_Mask, RTE.SIGSEGV);
-- SunOS related Sysnchronous signals.
RTE.Signal_Delete (Task_Signal_Mask, RTE.SIGTRAP);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Task_Signal_Mask, RTE.SIGEMT);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Task_Signal_Mask, RTE.SIGBUS);
RTE.Signal_Delete_All (Reserved_Signals);
RTE.Signal_Add (Reserved_Signals, RTE.SIGILL);
RTE.Signal_Add (Reserved_Signals, RTE.SIGABRT);
RTE.Signal_Add (Reserved_Signals, RTE.SIGFPE);
RTE.Signal_Add (Reserved_Signals, RTE.SIGSEGV);
RTE.Signal_Add (Reserved_Signals, Abort_Signal);
-- SunOS related Sysnchronous signals.
RTE.Signal_Delete (Reserved_Signals, RTE.SIGTRAP);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Reserved_Signals, RTE.SIGEMT);
RTE.Signal_Delete (Reserved_Signals, RTE.SIGBUS);
pthread_key_create (ATCB_Key, System.Null_Address, Result);
if Result = Failure then
raise Storage_Error; -- Insufficiant resources.
end if;
RTE.sigprocmask (RTE.SIG_SETMASK, Task_Signal_Mask, Old_Set, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---sigprocmask");
T.LL_Entry_Point := null;
T.Thread := pthread_self;
pthread_setspecific (ATCB_Key, Pointer_to_Address (T), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_setspecific");
end Initialize_LL_Tasks;
-- Self --
function Self return TCB_Ptr is
Temp : System.Address;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_getspecific (ATCB_Key, Temp, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_getspecific");
return Address_to_Pointer (Temp);
end Self;
-- Initialize_Lock --
procedure Initialize_Lock
(Prio : System.Priority;
L : in out Lock)
Attributes : pthread_mutexattr_t;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_mutexattr_init (Attributes, Result);
if Result = Failure then
raise STORAGE_ERROR; -- should be ENOMEM
end if;
pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol (Attributes, PRIO_PROTECT, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure,
"GNULLI failure---pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol");
(Attributes, Interfaces.C.int (Prio), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure,
"GNULLI failure---pthread_mutexattr_setprio_ceiling");
pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t (L), Attributes, Result);
if Result = Failure then
raise STORAGE_ERROR; -- should be ENOMEM ???
end if;
end Initialize_Lock;
-- Finalize_Lock --
procedure Finalize_Lock (L : in out Lock) is
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_mutex_destroy (pthread_mutex_t (L), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_mutex_destroy");
end Finalize_Lock;
-- Write_Lock --
-- The error code EINVAL indicates either an uninitialized mutex or
-- a priority ceiling violation. We assume that the former cannot
-- occur in our system.
procedure Write_Lock (L : in out Lock; Ceiling_Violation : out Boolean) is
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
Ceiling_Error : Boolean;
pthread_mutex_lock (pthread_mutex_t (L), Result);
Ceiling_Error := Result = Failure and then
Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Get_Error_Code =
Assert (Result /= Failure or else Ceiling_Error,
"GNULLI failure---pthread_mutex_lock");
Ceiling_Violation := Ceiling_Error;
end Write_Lock;
-- Read_Lock --
procedure Read_Lock (L : in out Lock; Ceiling_Violation : out Boolean) is
Write_Lock (L, Ceiling_Violation);
end Read_Lock;
-- Unlock --
procedure Unlock (L : in out Lock) is
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t (L), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_mutex_unlock");
end Unlock;
-- Initialize_Cond --
procedure Initialize_Cond (Cond : in out Condition_Variable) is
Attributes : pthread_condattr_t;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_condattr_init (Attributes, Result);
if Result = Failure then
raise STORAGE_ERROR; -- should be ENOMEM ???
end if;
pthread_cond_init (pthread_cond_t (Cond), Attributes, Result);
if Result = Failure then
raise STORAGE_ERROR; -- should be ENOMEM ???
end if;
pthread_condattr_destroy (Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_condattr_destroy");
end Initialize_Cond;
-- Finalize_Cond --
procedure Finalize_Cond (Cond : in out Condition_Variable) is
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_cond_destroy (pthread_cond_t (Cond), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_cond_destroy");
end Finalize_Cond;
-- Cond_Wait --
procedure Cond_Wait
(Cond : in out Condition_Variable;
L : in out Lock)
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t (Cond), pthread_mutex_t (L), Result);
-- EINTR is not considered a failure. We have been assured that
-- Pthreads will soon guarantee that a thread will wake up from
-- a condition variable wait after it handles a signal. EINTR will
-- probably go away at that point. ???
Assert (Result /= Failure or else
Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Get_Error_Code =
"GNULLI failure---pthread_cond_wait");
end Cond_Wait;
-- Cond_Timed_Wait --
procedure Cond_Timed_Wait
(Cond : in out Condition_Variable;
L : in out Lock; Abs_Time : Task_Clock.Stimespec;
Timed_Out : out Boolean)
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
I_Result : Integer;
function Stimespec_to_timespec (S : Task_Clock.Stimespec)
return Interfaces.C.POSIX_timers.timespec;
function Stimespec_to_timespec (S : Task_Clock.Stimespec)
return Interfaces.C.POSIX_timers.timespec is
return Interfaces.C.POSIX_timers.timespec'
(tv_sec =>
(Task_Clock.Stimespec_Seconds (S)),
tv_nsec =>
(Task_Clock.Stimespec_NSeconds (S)));
end Stimespec_to_timespec;
pthread_cond_timedwait (
pthread_cond_t (Cond),
pthread_mutex_t (L),
Stimespec_to_timespec (Abs_Time),
Timed_Out := Result = Failure and then
Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Get_Error_Code =
Assert (Result /= Failure or else
Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Get_Error_Code =
"GNULLI failure---pthread_cond_timedwait");
end Cond_Timed_Wait;
-- Cond_Signal --
procedure Cond_Signal (Cond : in out Condition_Variable) is
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t (Cond), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_cond_signal");
end Cond_Signal;
-- Cond_Broadcast --
procedure Cond_Broadcast (Cond : in out Condition_Variable) is
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t (Cond), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_cond_signal");
end Cond_Broadcast;
-- Set_Priority --
procedure Set_Priority (T : TCB_Ptr; Prio : System.Priority) is
Attributes : pthread_attr_t;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_attr_init (Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_attr_init");
pthread_getschedattr (T.Thread, Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_getschedattr");
pthread_attr_setprio (Attributes, Priority_Type (Prio), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_attr_setprio");
pthread_setschedattr (T.Thread, Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_setschedattr");
pthread_attr_destroy (Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_attr_destroy");
end Set_Priority;
-- Set_Own_Priority --
procedure Set_Own_Priority (Prio : System.Priority) is
Attributes : pthread_attr_t;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
Set_Priority (Self, Prio);
end Set_Own_Priority;
-- Get_Priority --
function Get_Priority (T : TCB_Ptr) return System.Priority is
Attributes : pthread_attr_t;
Prio : Priority_Type;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_attr_init (Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_attr_init");
pthread_getschedattr (T.Thread, Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_getschedattr");
pthread_attr_getprio (Attributes, Prio, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_getprio");
pthread_attr_destroy (Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_attr_destroy");
return System.Priority (Prio);
end Get_Priority;
-- Get_Own_Priority --
-- Note: this is specialized (rather than being done using a default
-- parameter for Get_Priority) in case there is a specially efficient
-- way of getting your own priority, which might well be the case in
-- general (although is not the case in Pthreads).
function Get_Own_Priority return System.Priority is
return Get_Priority (Self);
end Get_Own_Priority;
-- LL_Wrapper --
procedure LL_Wrapper (T : TCB_Ptr) is
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
Old_Set : RTE.Signal_Set;
pthread_setspecific (ATCB_Key, Pointer_to_Address (T), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_setspecific");
RTE.sigprocmask (RTE.SIG_UNBLOCK, LL_Signals, Old_Set, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---sigprocmask");
-- Note that the following call may not return!
T.LL_Entry_Point (T.LL_Arg);
end LL_Wrapper;
-- Create_LL_Task --
procedure Create_LL_Task
(Priority : System.Priority;
Stack_Size : Task_Storage_Size;
LL_Entry_Point : LL_Task_Procedure_Access;
Arg : System.Address;
T : TCB_Ptr)
Attributes : pthread_attr_t;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
Old_Set : RTE.Signal_Set;
T.LL_Entry_Point := LL_Entry_Point;
T.LL_Arg := Arg;
T.Stack_Size := Stack_Size;
pthread_attr_init (Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_attr_init");
Pthreads.pthread_attr_setdetachstate (Attributes, 1, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_setdetachstate");
(Attributes, Interfaces.C.size_t (Stack_Size), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_setstacksize");
pthread_attr_setprio (Attributes, Priority_Type (Priority), Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_attr_setprio");
-- It is not safe for the task to be created to accept signals until it
-- has bound its TCB pointer to the thread with pthread_setspecific ().
-- The handler wrappers use the TCB pointers to restore the stack limit.
RTE.sigprocmask (RTE.SIG_BLOCK, LL_Signals, Old_Set, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---sigprocmask");
pthread_create (
Pointer_to_Address (T),
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_create");
pthread_attr_destroy (Attributes, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_attr_destroy");
RTE.sigprocmask (RTE.SIG_UNBLOCK, LL_Signals, Old_Set, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---sigprocmask");
end Create_LL_Task;
-- Exit_LL_Task --
procedure Exit_LL_Task is
pthread_exit (System.Null_Address);
end Exit_LL_Task;
-- Abort_Task --
procedure Abort_Task (T : TCB_Ptr) is
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
pthread_kill (T.Thread, Abort_Signal, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---pthread_kill");
end Abort_Task;
-- Test_Abort --
-- This procedure does nothing. It is intended for systems without
-- asynchronous abortion, where the runtime system would have to
-- synchronously poll for pending abortions. This should be done
-- at least at every synchronization point.
procedure Test_Abort is
end Test_Abort;
-- Get_Stack_Limit --
function Get_Stack_Limit return System.Address is
return Self.Stack_Limit;
end Get_Stack_Limit;
-- Abort_Wrapper --
-- Note that this currently takes System.Address. The 1 specifies
-- access procedure (Context : Pre_Call_State) for the handler type.
-- This may be a mistake of the interface in commiting to this 9X type.
-- The right way to do it may be to make this a type in Machine_Specifics,
-- which can then be created with a constructor funciton in one place.
-- However, Ada 83 compilers are always going to have to take the address
-- of the procedure, if only to pass it to a constructor function. ???
-- Isn't above comment obsolete. Certainly the reference to package
-- Machine_Specifics is obsolete ???
procedure Abort_Wrapper
(signo : Integer;
info : RTE.siginfo_ptr;
context : System.Address)
function Address_To_Call_State is new
Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Pre_Call_State);
Abort_Handler (Address_To_Call_State (context));
end Abort_Wrapper;
-- Install_Abort_Handler --
procedure Install_Abort_Handler (Handler : Abort_Handler_Pointer) is
act : RTE.struct_sigaction;
old_act : RTE.struct_sigaction;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
Abort_Handler := Handler;
act.sa_handler := Abort_Wrapper'Address;
RTE.Signal_Delete_All (act.sa_mask);
act.sa_flags := 0;
RTE.sigaction (Abort_Signal, act, old_act, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---sigaction");
end Install_Abort_Handler;
-- Install_Error_Handler --
procedure Install_Error_Handler (Handler : System.Address) is
act : RTE.struct_sigaction;
old_act : RTE.struct_sigaction;
Result : Interfaces.C.POSIX_Error.Return_Code;
act.sa_handler := Handler;
RTE.Signal_Delete_All (act.sa_mask);
RTE.Signal_Add (act.sa_mask, RTE.SIGILL);
RTE.Signal_Add (act.sa_mask, RTE.SIGABRT);
RTE.Signal_Add (act.sa_mask, RTE.SIGFPE);
RTE.Signal_Add (act.sa_mask, RTE.SIGSEGV);
act.sa_flags := 0;
RTE.sigaction (RTE.SIGILL, act, old_act, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---sigaction");
RTE.sigaction (RTE.SIGABRT, act, old_act, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---sigaction");
RTE.sigaction (RTE.SIGFPE, act, old_act, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---sigaction");
RTE.sigaction (RTE.SIGSEGV, act, old_act, Result);
Assert (Result /= Failure, "GNULLI failure---sigaction");
end Install_Error_Handler;
-- Test_And_Set --
procedure Test_And_Set (Flag_Add : System.Address; Result : out Boolean) is
type Access_Boolean is access Boolean;
Error : Boolean;
function Address_To_Pointer is new
Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Access_Boolean);
Write_Lock (Test_And_Set_Mutex, Error);
if not Address_To_Pointer (Flag_Add).all then
Address_To_Pointer (Flag_Add).all := True;
Unlock (Test_And_Set_Mutex);
Result := True;
Unlock (Test_And_Set_Mutex);
Result := False;
end if;
end Test_And_Set;
Initialize_Lock (System.Priority'Last, Test_And_Set_Mutex);
end System.Task_Primitives;